Produced by the american vicarious and created by artists Neal Wilkinson and Christopher McElroen, with game design by Alessio Cavatore, Fight for America! is a live performance installation that merges art, game design, and immersive storytelling.
At its core is a large-scale tabletop wargame that delves into the events of January 6th, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol, posing the question: What about America is worth fighting for?
Fight for America! invites participants to confront political extremism, division, and the repercussions of a win-at-all-costs mentality, challenging us to reconsider our understanding of America’s political landscape.
Through gameplay, we aim to reflect on how division threatens the very foundations of democracy. This project is not partisan; it’s about fostering unity through shared experiences and encouraging meaningful dialogue about the state of our nation.